Gum Disease

Gum Disease Treatment In Bismarck & Garrison, ND

Did you know that your dentist is not only concerned about your tooth health, but also your gums? Your gums protect your jaws as well as the roots of your teeth, and they can act as a warning system if your teeth are in danger by changing color and becoming sensitive or inflamed. Caring for your gums is an important part of maintaining your dental health, and neglecting your gums can be dangerous and costly.

Gum Disease Treatment Bismarck ND

What is Periodontics?

Periodontics is the study and treatment of gum health and gum disease. Everyone develops bacteria at the gum line, and sometimes those bacteria work their way down between the tooth and gum tissue. Once bacteria are caught between your teeth and gums, it can proliferate quickly into biofilms which have been linked to:

  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Blood clots and stroke
  • Respiratory disease
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Periodontal treatment traditionally consists of scaling and root planing, or removing plaque and tartar with lasers or traditional dental instruments. If gum disease is advanced, your periodontal treatment may require surgery.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is a dangerous but common condition which develops when tartar and plaque creep between your gums and your teeth’s roots, causing bacteria to spread. While you may not think about gum disease on a daily basis, you should be aware that it is potentially very dangerous and can cause tooth loss. It also links to many types of serious illness.

Symptoms Of Gum Disease

Periodontal Disease Bismarck ND | Garrison ND

While only a dentist can diagnose gum disease, there are symptoms which you can recognize yourself. Gum disease has many potential symptoms, but often they do not appear until your gum disease is already at a fairly advanced stage. You should be aware of these symptoms and schedule an appointment at our office as soon as you notice any appear. Symptoms of gum disease include:

  • Loose teeth
  • Sore teeth
  • Change in gum color
  • Prolonged bad breath
  • Gum sensitivity
  • Pain while chewing

One of the first symptoms is often bad breath that will not go away. This is caused by buildup of bacteria. If your breath changes or if you notice sensitivity in your gums, you should let our dentists know. If gum disease is the cause of your symptoms, early treatment can prevent the necessity of invasive surgery.

Preventing Periodontal Disease

Gum disease may be prevented through:

  • Regular dental checkups
  • Regular teeth cleanings
  • Not smoking
  • Avoiding tobacco products
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Brushing your teeth twice daily
  • Flossing daily

Gum Disease Treatment Bismarck ND | Garrison ND

Gum Disease Treatment

If you are diagnosed with gum disease, periodontics is the branch of dentistry which deals with the treatment of your condition. Many dentists will perform scaling and dental planning on your teeth, which removes the layer of tartar which has built up above and below the gum line. If the gum disease is very advanced, periodontal surgery can often repair the damage.

At Deeter Dental, we use Perio Protectâ„¢ to treat gum disease where possible.

Perio Protectâ„¢

Perio Protect is a non-invasive system that uses custom trays to deliver an anti-bacteria treatment to your gum line to combat gum disease without the need for periodontal surgery. This is often combined with scaling or root planing to increase its effectiveness, and though not everyone is a good candidate for Perio Protect, many patients are able to avoid periodontal surgery through these treatments.

Schedule a Consultation

If you would like to learn more about gum disease, please contact our Bismarck general dentists today. Deeter Dental serves patients in Bismarck and the surrounding areas of North Dakota. Call our Bismarck office at 701.222.1800 or our Garrison office at 701.463.2884.

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