Why choose dental implants to replace teeth?
- Posted on: May 30 2020
When teeth are missing from the smile, it is vital that they be replaced as soon as possible. If left untreated, areas where teeth are lost or extracted may shift, leaving gaps elsewhere in the smile. Additionally, bone resorption is a very real complication that can cause patients to lose natural bone of the jaw due to tooth loss. With the help of the team at Deeter Dental in Bismarck and Garrison, ND, patients can speak to a professional about replacement solutions including dental implants.
How do dental implants work?
A dental implant is best described by our team at Deeter Dental as a small post that is made of titanium. This metal is biocompatible with the body and used in many other implants in the field of medicine. The post is placed into the bone of the jaw bone, where it stimulates bone growth through a process called osseointegration. This bone growth holds the implant in place and provides a stable foundation. After the implant is firmly in place, restoration options are discussed.
How many teeth can dental implants replace?
This dental restoration is incredibly versatile, and allows patients the opportunity to replace one or more teeth. A single tooth can be replaced with a dental implant restored using a dental crown. One or more teeth in a row can be replaced by using a dental implant as the support on one or both sides of a dental bridge restoration. Additionally, patients who have full dentures can have implants placed along the arch to solidify the denture in place and improve stability. This versatility is what makes dental implants a widely recommended solution for our patients.
What are the benefits of placing dental implants?
Many patients choose dental implants because of their advantages, which include:
- Versatility
- Affordability
- Value
- Biocompatibility
- Strength and durability
- Bone maintenance
- Natural appearance
Call Deeter Dental today to find out if you are a good candidate for dental implants
Learn more about how dental implants can be used in restoring your smile. Call one of our two office locations in Garrison and Bismarck, ND to request a consultation appointment.
Posted in: Dental Implants